Rove: Down but not out
It seems the Bush administration has quite a quandry on it's hands, wouldn't you say? The administration is unusually quiet right now, quite a change from the arrogance that they usually exude. I love it!! Can't you just hear those little spinmeister wheels spinning right now? They are trying DESPARATELY to figure a way out of this one. They'll come out with something I'm sure....they always do. Will it be believable? Nah, I doubt it. This could be the scandal that derails the gravy train for so many Republicans and Big Business like Halliburton, AND let's not forget the always faithful and pious Religious Right. This administration's arrogance and evil ways have finally caught up with's about time. They fucked themselves BIG TIME here!
Bush will have to eat his words about firing the person responsible, because the Rethugs cannot lose Kammandaunt Karl. He is their brain, without him they are up shit creek. EVERYTHING that comes out of that WH has to be approved by Karl. He orchestrates everything. Notice how we don't hear much from DeLay and Frist anymore? Why do you think that is?
BushCo has really gotten themselves into a HUGE jam right now. What to do? I love it, I love it, I love it!! We haven't had any opportunities to gloat the last 5 years, so I'm gloating now! This is so great!! LOL!!
I'm sure by the weekend or the beginning of next week they'll start trotting out a new message. They can't remain quiet like this for too long. Look out when they do start coming out with a new'll be like coming out with guns blazing. They'll keep doing like they usually do...keep repeating the lies enough times and people start believing the bullshit.
I just hope that the Democratic Party and the leadership in the House and Senate really take full advantage of this present that has fallen into our laps. If they don't, it'll be time to get rid of Pelosi and Reid for sure.'s time to get everybody fired up! Come on Howard! I'll help you, and so will lots of other party faithful. People, get those Letters to the Editor out there in the magazines and the newspapers, contact your Congresspeople and Senators. Let's keep the heat turned up. Let's go!!
The New York Times had a really good editorial this morning....please see below:
July 13, 2005
A Few Thoughts on Karl Rove
Far be it for us to denounce leaks. Newspapers have relied on countless government officials to divulge vital information that their bosses want to be kept secret. There is even value in the sanctioned leak, such as when the White House, say, lets out information that it wants known but does not want to announce.
But it is something else entirely when officials peddle disinformation for propaganda purposes or to harm a political adversary. And Karl Rove seems to have been playing that unsavory game with the C.I.A. officer Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband, Joseph Wilson IV, a career diplomat who ran afoul of President Bush's efforts to justify the invasion of Iraq. An e-mail note provided by Time magazine to the federal prosecutor investigating the case shows that Mr. Rove's aim in talking about Ms. Wilson to Matthew Cooper, a Time reporter, was to discredit Mr. Wilson, perhaps to punish him.
Mr. Wilson had published an Op-Ed article in The Times about being assigned to investigate allegations that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy uranium from Niger - a claim that was popular among the White House and Pentagon officials eager to make the case for war with Iraq. Mr. Wilson said the allegation was unsupported by evidence, and it was later withdrawn, to Mr. Bush's embarrassment.
Before that happened, Mr. Rove gave Mr. Cooper a "big warning" not to "get too far out on Wilson." Mr. Rove said the origins of Mr. Wilson's mission were "flawed and suspect" because, according to Mr. Rove, Mr. Wilson had been sent to Niger at the suggestion of his wife, who works for the Central Intelligence Agency. To understand why Mr. Rove thought that was a black mark, remember that the White House considers dissenters enemies and that the C.I.A. had cast doubt on the administration's apocalyptic vision of Iraq's weapons programs.
Mr. Cooper's e-mail note does not say that Mr. Rove mentioned the name of Mr. Wilson's wife, which later appeared in a column by Robert Novak. White House supporters are emphasizing that fact in an effort to argue that Mr. Rove did not illegally unmask a covert officer. We don't need to judge that here. But there remains the issue of whether the White House used Mr. Wilson's wife for political reasons, and it's obvious that Mr. Rove did.
The White House has painted itself into a corner. More than a year ago, Mr. Bush vowed to fire the leaker. Then Scott McClellan, the president's spokesman, repeatedly assured everyone that the leaker was not Mr. Rove, on whom the president is so dependent intellectually that he calls Mr. Rove "the architect."
Until this week, the administration had deflected attention onto journalists by producing documents that officials had been compelled to sign to supposedly waive any promise of confidentiality. Our colleague Judith Miller, unjustly jailed for protecting the identity of confidential sources, was right to view these so-called waivers as meaningless.
Mr. Rove could clear all this up quickly. All he has to do is call a press conference and tell everyone what conversations he had and with whom. While we like government officials who are willing to whisper vital information, we like even more government officials who tell the truth in public.
* Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company
The Busheviks seem remarkably quiet on the Rove issue, not just in their refusal to comment to the press about it, but elsewhere as well. All the usual places where the neocon apologists usually hang out and fawn over the likes of Bush, Cheney and Rove are ghost-towns. I guess everyone on the right has gotten instructions to let this one blow over. Maybe a bride will run away, and the media will switch gears.
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